"If lifestyle optimization came as a pill, it would be the most powerful and far-reaching drug known to humankind… and this is precisely the way we view it."

P. Tennent Slack, MD

The core of our approach involves helping patients optimize the

key elements of lifestyle:


  • dietary optimization – nutrition and integrative medicine consultation
  • stress management –  microcurrent neurofeedback IASIS™ consultation
  • movement and exercise – consultation with our in-house kinesiologist
  • sleep – THERALIGHT infra-red light bed; HOCATT ozone sauna

All the treatments in the world cannot take the place of lifestyle optimization. Nor will such treatments be as effective in the absence of proper lifestyle management. Thus, we work directly with patients to help map out and achieve lifestyle changes geared toward maximizing wellness and the body’s ability to heal.

In particular, we focus on the “food as medicine” principle seeking to take full advantage of the pharmacologic properties of food and botanically derived supplements. We encourage all patients to consult with our registered dietitian / nutritionist and naturopath, Ricardo Boye, RDN, ND.

We encourage you to independently research ALL of our treatment modalities at Google Scholar and PubMed.

You can learn more about how we can help your body heal through a personalized consultation

Call or email today to schedule.